
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

7 Common Runners Injuries And Their Solutions

Even professional runners suffer an injury while running. How much more with rookies? Running injuries can happen any time of the day – and they’re more common than you think.

The Science Of Running Injuries

According to studies, it’s normal for runners to be sidelined each year due to an injury. The chances of getting injured? It can be as low as 19 percent and can become as high as 79 percent. Even then, the chances can depend on one wrong thing – wrong running shoes, poor running form, training mistakes, drastic mileage changes, or running the same way – or a combination of two or three of these things.

This can happen to beginners, regular runners and even triathlon or iron man participants.

The bad thing? Some runners, who suffered an injury, were not able to run again. Ouch.

Preventing The Injury = Challenge

Running experts revealed that there is no magic to prevent a running injury. Instead you have to have three important things: a strong body, a top running form, and the perfect shoes.

What follows next to that is learning about the most common runners’ injuries and their solutions so that you’ll be prepared to deal with one when you suffer from it.

Two Major Types Of Running Injury

Although it’s true that there are plenty of injuries that a runner can suffer from, all of them are categorized into two types of injury: traumatic and overuse.

· Overuse injuries as the name implies refers to the overuse of the tissues causing trauma especially to the knees which in turn results to an injury.

· Traumatic injuries, on the other hand, are more physical in form like tripping over while running.

Common Running Injuries And Their Solutions

1. Runner’s knee – a common overuse injury wherein the cartilage under the kneecap gets irritated.

  • Long runs
  • Extended sitting position
  • Descending stairs or hills
  • Squatting or bending the knee for far too long
  • Shorten stride
  • Slightly bend your knees when landing
  • Stretch your hip flexors
  • Strengthen your glutes
  • Reduce mileage
  • Avoid running dowhill
2. Achilles tendonitis – the Achilles tendon gets inflamed causing stiffness and pain.

  • Drastic increase in training
  • Weak or tight calf muscles
  • Take a rest from running
  • Put ice on your Achilles heel regularly
  • Strengthen calf muscles through calf raises
  • Avoid excessive training or putting too much pressure on your calves
  • Avoid wearing flip-flops or heels for an extended period of time
3. Plantar fasciitis – the plantar fascia becomes inflamed or suffers from small tears in the ligaments and tendons causing pain from heel bottom or the top of your feet.

  • Flat or very high arches
  • Inward rolling of the foot or pronation
  • Outward rolling of the foot or supination
  • Standing for a very long period
  • Weak core strength 
  • Take easy on running
  • Put ice on top of your foot, your heel, and your arch
  • Stretch your arches by pulling back the toes
  • Exercise with a foam roller
  • Increase core strength
  • Wear the right shoes for your feet
Make sure you have the right running shoes since this is a common problem. Many runners are running with incorrect shoes because they have been given incorrect buying advice. Go to a specialist running shop and get the best running shoes before it's too late. 

4. Shin splints – this causes the shin bone in front or the inside the lower leg to feel pain due to small tears surrounding the muscles of the shin or tibia. This also commonly happens to new runners.

  • Runners who run after taking a long break
  • Inappropriate or worn out shoes
  • Flat feet or extremely high arches
  • Running for too long and too much
  • Reduce running mileage
  • Gradually increase your running mileage
  • Take a rest
  • Apply ice on your shins
  • Tape your shins to avoid muscle tearing when running
  • Wear the right shoes for your feet
5. Stress fracture – another common running injury, this one is caused by small cracks in the bones causing pain and discomfort. Stress fracture usually occurs on the feet or shin.

  • Drastic increase in running speed
  • Running a very long mileage
  • Take a running break
  • Rest when the pain becomes too much on your feet
  • Pace even in walking
  • Improve bone density by weight training
  • Eat a diet rich in nutrients and calories to stay in good running form
6. Ankle sprain – another common running injury caused by ligament tearing or stretching.
  • Foot rolls inwards or twists during runs
  • Rest the injured feet for a while
  • Put ice on the sprained ankle
  • Do compressions
  • Elevate the foot
A very common injury under runners is the ankle sprain. Make sure you take precautions to get the best advice before continuing to train.

7. Illotibial Band Syndrome or ITBS – this happens when the IT band ligament running the outside of the thigh – from the top of your hip to the outside of your knees – thickens which causes inflammation.

  • Drastic mileage changes
  • Too much downhill running
  • Reduce mileage
  • Avoid or limit downhill running
  • Change running directions every few laps
  • Shorten stride
  • Get a proper medical runners brace
In case of an injury starting to begin, you might want to opt for a proper medical brace to prevent any further damage. Contact your local doctor for advice. Using the best knee brace might mean you can keep on training and be ready for your next (half) marathon or triathlon!

Though running injuries are spontaneous as they come, there are 7 practical ways how you can prevent them from happening. Here’s how:
  1. Listen to what your body says by paying attention to soreness and consistent pains. 
  2. Always warm-up and stretch before and after running and you’ll prevent many running injuries.
  3. Cross train to prevent overusing your muscles running.
  4. Do strength training to develop your body’s core strength.
  5. Have a running plan that is tailored-fit to your goals and fitness abilities.
  6. Run smart by choosing your trails wisely and having a running plan.
  7. Wear good shoes that fit your foot type and offer good running support.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Hiking Using GPS Device or Maps

Getting out and hiking can be a really fun activity that allows you to work on your endurance. You get to see some really incredible scenic views and enjoy the outdoors while you are exploring. However, if you hike for any length at all, you will quickly realize how important it is to know where you are going. If you are not hiking a trail that is well labeled, you need to have your own navigation device at your fingertips. Since the invention of GPS devices, hiking enthusiasts have debated whether maps or hiking GPS devices are better guides. While a map might be lightweight and help guide you along any trail, a GPS device offers features that can make your hike safer and more enjoyable.

Here are a few reasons why you might want to pick up a GPS device for your next hike and retire your old map:

Better Safety

Safety should always be the main concern when you set out on a hike. If you get lost you could be in a great deal of danger. This means that you need to take every precautionary measure possible to ensure that you do not lose your way during your hike. Getting lost is not just annoying, but it also could put you in danger. Of course it depends whether you're hiking on a very popular hiking trail or somewhere in the complete backcountry of the Rocky Mountains. With a handheld GPS device, you can be assured that you always have access to accurate positioning with a grid reference. This will enable you to know exactly where you are at all times. A map does not offer this kind of feature or luxury.

Plan Your Route

A GPS device also has the ability to make planning your route even easier. Before you even step into the outdoors, you can use your GPS device to assist you during the route planning stage. This means that once you finally reach the time to begin your hike, you can actually enjoy the sights around you instead of having to focus on the map the entire journey. Your handheld GPS device can guide your way easily and you can spend your time concentrating on the scenic views that surround you. The only precautionary measure that you must take is to make sure that your GPS device has enough battery power. You have to ensure that you have enough battery power to last your entire route. On the maps of the hiking GPS you can also plan whether the route is possible for kids and/or dogs for instance.

Recollection Record

Another benefit that GPS devices have over maps is the ability to record waypoint information and keep it stored for future use. With the help of this feature. You have the ability to keep a permanent record of your hiking route for a time in the future when you may want to use it again. You also have the capability of marking sites along the way that you want to remember for the next time that you use this route. Instead of having to draw on a traditional map, you can keep a bunch of useful hiking information stored on your GPS device.

Friday, October 23, 2015

The Essentials Of Home Gym Climate Control

Everyone wants to be fit, that’s a true fact but not everyone likes to do fitness workouts in a gym. Although working out in a gym has its own advantages, some people just don’t find the noise, dealing different types of people, sharing with the equipments and the hassle to go there to be really pleasing. So, what’s the best way to avoid those things that you don’t want in a gym? Have your own home gym!

A home gym makes working out accessible and minimizes room for excuses. Regardless of size, home gyms are really of great help. If you have plans of putting up your own home gym, you have to cover these basics: what will be your budget, the available space you have and of course, your fitness goal.

Your house, no matter how united it may seem will have different temperatures at different times. So when you’re thinking about putting up your own home gym, temperature should be one of your utmost concerns.

Why you should have climate control system in your home gym?

When you workout, your body heats up. To balance the temperature inside and outside, your body will make you sweat. Sweating is a natural form our body mechanizes to release the tensions inside but there will be times that your body cannot do so much to keep up with extreme heat of its external surroundings.

On the same manner, during extreme cold days your body cannot fully cope up the temperature unless when you put on a lot of clothes to keep yourself warm. A pack of clothing is not a good thing when you do exercise, right? This is where your climate control system can help you warm up the gym when it's too cold and cool down the gym when it's too warm. Plain simple!

·       It gives indoor air quality. It’s been said that indoor air is worser than the outside air in that the air inside doesn’t flow freely as it is outside. With this in mind, your home gym would probably have more congested air than the other parts of the house. Instead of having quality workouts in the comfort of your own gym, you’d probably give up on doing more exercises because of the heat.

With a climate control system, your home gym’s congested air will have better air quality as it will effectively exchange indoor air with fresh outdoor air.

·       Helps you save on energy consumption. Initially, having a climate control system can be quite expensive. But if you have to weigh in the benefits and do the math, you’d see how it will save you on your energy costs every month.
The climate control system already has its own cooling and heating system. You schedule it when you want your home gym to be cool and when you want it to be warm. Moreover, because it has systems rolled into one, it can already save you space, installation process and power consumption. You can also have this system run through a renewable energy source.

·       Your equipments will have longer life. Wherever your country is, your home will always be susceptible to moisture retention. Air inside cannot go out and flow freely as much as outside air does and has lesser exchanges with cool and dry air outside. To keep your equipments to last longer, the climate control system will bring the warm and moist air out and exchange it with a fresh and cool air.

·       Controlling the climate’s never been this convenient. There are companies that offer buyers with a convenient of controlling their house’s climate. You can easily set the temperature of your home gym at your preferred time with just the use of your mobile phones.

Other Things You Have To Prepare For Your Home Gym

Aside from your climate control, you need to be certain what do you want inside your home gym? If you are thinking about doing your cardio exercises outside, then you should be filling in your home gym with weight equipment, but if you plan to do it indoors, then you have to have at least one machine like a rowing machine, cross trainer or treadmill. A mirror is also a good accessory for your home gym. It helps you to keep an eye on your progress.

Distractions are also a good way to keep yourself from focusing on the exercise you are doing. Chances are you’d easily give up and it’ll easy wear you out. You can place a television or a stereo inside your home gym at a place where you can easily watch it during your workout.

If you have a space to spare for a home gym, don’t make other ways to deviate from that possibility, instead make good use out of that space. Also, temperature is of vital importance in one’s home regardless of the type of rooms. To keep everything at its neutral temperature or according to your preference without the hassle of turning different units on at different times, a climate control system is a handy use. So now you don't have any more excuses not to start training at home! Get ready and enjoy a good workout!

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Hiking in the Rockies

Hiking can be a pleasant experience that allows you to take in nature from a different viewpoint and also explore. Hiking in the Rocky Mountain national park is one of the best experiences you can get! However, when you are hiking in the Rockies it is important that you always make safety a priority. It is fine to get swept away by the amazing scenery around you, but you also have to be a bit cautious and careful. You need to plan out your hike and take the necessary precautions to ensure that you return safely.

What Factors Should You Consider?
There are a variety of factors that come into play when you consider your safety when hiking in the Rockies. Not only is weather a main concern, but you also have to be aware of dangerous wildlife and even unstable rocks near the edge of cliffs. Having an enjoyable hike should always be the ultimate goal, but this is only possible if you consider all that can go wrong while you are on your hiking trail. You need to be prepared for whatever comes your way.

Makes sure all your gear is in perfect condition. Check that a few weeks before your trip is due. In that case you still have enough time to replace your boots (and walk them in), get a new backpack or tent. Find lots of advice, reviews and the best hiking boots for men and women, backpacks, sleeping bags and tents on and

Check the Forecast
The first thing that you should check before you plan your hike in the Rockies is the weather. You need to know what the forecast is predicting. If possible, you should try to coordinate your hike for a day when the weather will cooperate and be agreeable. You should always be prepared for temperatures to become cooler as you work your way up to higher elevations. It is best to dress in layers, so that you can easily add and take off garments as needed.

Tell Someone About Your Hike
It is also a good idea to let a friend or family member know about your hike in the Rockies. You should plan to share with them your itinerary for your hike an estimate of the time that you will return. This means that if you do not contact your friend or family member within a reasonable time of your estimated return, they can get ahold of emergency services to notify them. You want someone to know where you are when you decide to hike the Rockies. This is a safety precaution that is very reasonable. It is also a good idea to always hike with at least one other person. Hiking alone can be very dangerous and is not recommended, especially if you are just starting out.

Start Early
It is also suggested that you begin your hike as early in the day as possible. This will give you more daylight and allow you to make it back before dark. You don’t have to be in a rush when you are hiking, because you want to be able to enjoy the scenic views that are all around the Rockies. If you pace yourself during your hike, you will be sure to have enough energy for the last leg. Hiking is about endurance, so you need to be prepared to push yourself and overcome whatever obstacles get in your way during your hike. 

When you're hiking with your dog, please read our other article about hiking with dogs. You should think about some important facts beforehand!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Top 3 Aftershaves

It All Depends on the Season or Does It?

The top 3 aftershaves fluctuate with the seasons or at least it used to. During the warmer months the top 3 are lighter smelling with citrous notes and in the winter it is a more woodsy scent that takes precedence according to the old way of thinking about aftershave. Aftershave is a necessity if you shave everyday it can calm the skin and keep it in great shape so while the scent plays a role the quality of the aftershave overall plays a larger role.

Shaving is a rough process that can cause razor bumps, razor burn and general discomfort to the skin. Aftershave can easily calm the skin and keep it feeling great!

Most designer scent lines for men include an aftershave option so that you can layer the scent and calm the skin but today aftershave has evolved into its own product category and no longer piggy backs on the scent lines. It is important to know what to look for in an aftershave to insure that you get a product that is not only going to smell great but that is going to work wonders on your skin as well.

What To Look For

You want an aftershave that has cooling properties to refresh the skin but that also has moisturizing properties to keep the skin supple and smooth. You want a rich aftershave that will nourish the skin with moisturizers and essential oils. Balms are a great choice when you are considering an aftershave that can perform.

One of the top 3 aftershaves is PradaAftershave Balm. It is on the high end when it comes to cost but it has everything you need in an aftershave like moisturizers and essential oils that nourish the skin. It also contains the signature Prada for Men scent. It is pricey and may be a bit out of your budget so you may want to consider something that is less expensive but still on the top 3 aftershaves list.

Nivea for Men Post Shave Balm is a good choice if funds are tight and you want an aftershave that you can use in every season because it is unscented. This is a moisturizing balm that contains good for your skin Vitamin C. It is an affordable option that can be layered with any cologne because it is unscented.

While there are plenty of great designer choices you do not have to pay a lot to get a great aftershave. Historically aftershave has gone hand and hand with scented colognes but times are changing and many men are realizing the value of aftershave no so much for the scent but for the healing properties to their skin.

Dove for Men line offers an aftershave balm that is unscented and works perfectly to heal the skin by calming it and cooling it down after a close shave. The reason Dove for Men makes the top 3 aftershaves list is because of its affordability and the fact that it is a good product. 

Monday, March 2, 2015

5 Safety Tips To Riding A Motorcycle In Winter

The cold is your number one enemy when riding a motorcycle in winter, but it is still possible to enjoy a winter stroll in your motorcycle. There are surely ways that you can do to protect yourself from cold and have a fun and safe ride whatever time of the day. Some of these tips are similar to the tips I wrote for running in winter.

There are few things you have to remember when riding a motorcycle in winter. Here are the top five tips:

#1 Wear Proper Motorcycle Clothing And Gear

This is the most obvious and most necessary on this list. A comfortable ride starts with wearing proper gear. It is important that you layer what you wear to make sure that you stay comfortable throughout the entire ride.

·       Winter clothing – Start with a baselayer, which is a long sleeve. You can check out your favorite motorcycle apparel stores and find the best one of your choice. A baselayer will allow your skin to breathe and helps draw away moisture. You can also have a mid-layer like a fleece, which would help in insulating.

Your outer gear has to be waterproof and breathable. Stay warm with a waterproof outer gear so even when it snows, you stay dry in the inside and avoid hypothermia. It has to be breathable for added comfort in the inside.

·       Neck Warmer – A neck warmer is a nice finishing touch to keep your whole upper body warm.

·       Footwear – For boots, choose a pair that is breathable and waterproof. 

·       Gloves – Gloves are important to keep your fingers and hands warm. There are different lengths of cuffs for gloves, so you have to choose which one is more comfortable for you to use. Remember, though you need coverage to keep your body warm, you are also looking for comfort.  

·       Helmet – You can save your life when you choose the right helmet. A full helmet will protect you from wind and road debris. Another gear that will keep your head and face warm is a balaclava. This will keep the cold from penetrating your jacket.

·       Reflector – Another thing, it’s not really usual for bikers to be out during winter, but if you really can’t resist the fun in driving, just make sure that you wear a reflector so you are still visible even if it’s foggy outside.

#2 Gear Up Your Motorcycle

It is vital to check the condition of your motorcycle before your drive to make sure that everything works perfectly fine and it’s in condition to run in a cold weather with all the road distractions. Check the brakes, light signals and tires. Go to your local motorcycle garage to get a full winter check.
·       Tires – The changes in temperature from autumn to winter can affect your tire to lose pressure. So have it checked by a mechanic, if you’re not an expert, to ensure safety. Let your tires warm up because the cold weather can get the rubber harder when it gets cold. There will be less traction provided when this happens so make sure that warm it up before the drive. 

·       Windshield – Have a windshield installed in your bike. With this, you’ll go a long way. This is simple but helps a lot in keeping your body warm as you drive as it diverts the wind rather than landing on your body. You can also use an anti-misting spray to make sure that you can see clearly in your mirrors.

·       Heated Motorcycle Parts – There are gears you can install in your motorcycle to give you more warmth. There are heated seats, jackets, grips and inserts. These are options which will help you keep warm while driving in a cold condition; you just have to choose what is comfortable for you.

·       Oil – Properly oil your motorcycle, this is a priority. Consult a mechanic if you’re not familiar about this.

#3 Check The Weather Forecast Before Leaving

The weather is ever changing even in winter, so you better tune in for weather forecast. Know when it is going to snow, and if it does, you know you have to better stay at home and postpone your road trip for some time.

#4 Be Aware Of The Road Hazards

You should be familiar with the road you are driving. Be aware of signage, wet roads and ice. You need to anticipate what hazards could be present in the road when driving. Remember to prioritize your safety when riding.

#5 Be Sensitive To Your Body

If your body is feeling really cold, you can stop in a nearby store and heat up to make sure that you survive the winter drive and actually enjoy it.

Winter doesn’t have to keep you from enjoying a motorcycle ride. There are a lot of ways to keep warm while driving. Remember, to wear proper clothing and gear up your motorcycle, be aware of the weather and road hazards and listen to your body when taking a ride in your motorcycle in winter. You can surely get to where you want if you keep these things in mind and of course enjoy the ride.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

First Breakfast, Then Go Sporting

It is no myth or wives tale, breakfast is in fact the most important meal of the day and the way you should fuel for all your physical activity. So before you head out the door for your morning run (like I always used to do!) or bike around town, you should start each and every day with a healthy breakfast. Some people are split on when exactly active individuals should eat breakfast, but research shows that eating first and then sporting may be best for your body. If you want to have the fuel required to be an athlete in peak condition, you need to make breakfast a priority every morning before you partake in your sport of choice. It doesn’t matter if you are a pro or simply trying to have fun, a balanced breakfast can give you an edge and help kick your athletic performance up a notch.

Manage Hunger Through the Day
When you are active, you need to consume more calories each day to give your body the energy it needs. This means that you can’t afford to skip out on breakfast. There is even a bit of physiology connected to the importance of this morning meal. Research shows that eating breakfast will keep your body from bottoming out and getting too hungry. If you start the day off on the right foot with a great breakfast, you will likely feel better and be able to work out more effectively. Eating breakfast kind of gives your body a guarantee that it will get the daily nutrients it requires to perform at a high level.

What Should You Eat?
If you want to make the most out of your morning meal before you tackle your sport of choice, you need to watch what you eat. Not every food is ideal to consume right before physical activity. As long as you are eating healthy breakfast food options, you can be guaranteed to feel your best during your exercise. Some of the best breakfast foods for sport enthusiasts include eggs, whole grain toast, milk, nuts and seeds, apples and peanut butter or even a bowl of oatmeal. The amount of calories in your morning meal can range, but it is a good idea to get at least 500 calories in, if possible. Since it is such an important meal you need to make it count and eat the right foods. The right nutrients will give you the fuel your body desires most.

A Matter of Preference
When it comes down to it, eating breakfast before or after you go sporting is all a matter of preference. However, if you want to be your best and perform your sport at the highest level, you really should think about starting your day off right with a wholesome breakfast. A breakfast of champions can be the way to get your body in the best shape and help you fight hunger throughout the day. Breakfast really is the most important meal that you can’t afford to skip out on.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

My New Braun 799cc Shaver

A few month ago, I wrote a post about manual and electric shavers. I've made my decision and bought a Braun 799cc. This is a so-called wet&dry shaver!

If you have ever used a Braun Series 7 shaver, then you can gauge what you should be expecting from the new Braun 799cc model. Except that you get a little more, both a pleasant surprise and more value for your money. When my new Braun 799cc shaver came in, I was expecting all that Series 7 had to offer but at a much more state of the art level and I was not disappointed.

Let me begin with the design, rather the look of this gadget. The Braun 799cc shaver is by all means a gadget and not just any random shaver. The construction is sleek; it looks classy and yet has all the cool buttons which bring in a horde of functionality. But that is not what will surprise you since you would expect those at the bucks you are shelling out.

What will impress you right at the start is the luxury of a dry as well as a wet shave. If you ask Braun fans, then you would know that most of them have been looking for a dry and wet shaver for some time now. The Braun 790cc was a great shaver but it still lacked the wet shaving feature. Many men prefer the soft feel and the lustrous shave that one gets with some gel or foam. That was not a possibility with erstwhile Braun shavers and many men preferred to go with other brands for the very same reason. But the finesse that Braun shavers come with is seldom matched. The smoothness of shaving, the ease of cleaning, the comfort and the impeccable efficiency of Braun 799cc shaver doesn’t come as a surprise but the wet shaving feature certainly is a feather on the cap.

There are many other reasons to like my new Braun 799cc shaver. It has a very small head, considerably smaller than its competition and that its preceding models which allow greater manoeuvrability and you can actually see where you are shaving since the place is not concealed by the large heads as is the case with most shavers. The cleaning system of the Braun 799cc shaver is extremely useful. Not only is the shaver cleaned well but it is also sanitized with alcohol instead of soap or water based substances that are found in cleansers or cleaning systems of other shavers. It is owing to this cleaning feature that the Braun 799cc has a much more pleasant smell. There is an automatic cleaning function as well which is quite short. Ditto for the charging time. The cartridge in the Braun 799cc too lasts long than shavers in similar price range. This makes the device more cost effective in the long run.

In a nutshell, my new Braun 799cc shaver is a great investment. It is comfortably portable and quite sturdy to resist wear and tear as well as falls. It is great value for money and certainly one of the best to roll out from the Braun stable.

Saturday, December 27, 2014

5 Tips for Running Safely During Winter Season

Running is one of the best, easiest, and cheapest forms of exercising. It's great for cardio training. The low speed and long period running has low impact on your knees but is great for your endurance. You only need a good pair of running shoes and a comfortable set of clothes and you are good to go. You can even take your kid and put him/her in a stroller for some bonding time at the park or your pet dog for a much-needed exercise. All these sound too easy for every day running.

However, all these simple and easy things become unusually hard and even dangerous during winter season. First, there is probably snow everywhere and the road is more slippery making it extra dangerous for runners. Second, you would have to brave the cold wind and make your legs and feet work despite what could be freezing temperature. Third and definitely not the last, the thought of running versus marshmallows and a hot cup of chocolate over bonfire do not make things any easier for a runner.

Despite what seemed to be the disadvantages of running during the winter season, this is not at all impossible. In fact, experts say it could be easy once you get the hang of it and that you might even find it more enjoyable given the fact that you can run for as long as you can without drenching in sweat.

If you are open to the possibility of running during the winter season, here are some tips from the experts on how to run safely yet effectively:

1.     Know your goal.
Go back to square one and ask yourself why you want to run in the first place. Are you prepping for a race or simply vowed to get better and fitter? If running is the closest exercise to your heart, it would not at all be hard to know your goal and follow it. Knowing what your goal is will get that motivation inside you going. Once your goal is achieved, do not forget to reward yourself before moving on to your next goal.

2.     Stay Motivated.
It is easy to be motivated but not as easy to stay motivated. Knowing what your goal is will easily get you motivated but how do you stay motivated especially during the winter months when it is way more appealing to stay at home and pig out with the whole family?

A great tip here from the experts is to have a running partner and figure out a schedule that works for you both. Through this way, you would find it harder to back out on your goal because someone is waiting for you. In fact, you can even encourage more people to join. Statistics has it that group runs are very popular during the winter season.

3.     Pick the Right Clothes.
In any other season, you can literally wear what you feel comfortable running with. But for winter season, this is not the case. You have to pick the right clothes. By right, it means to layer properly without overdressing as is the usual case for first time runners in winter season.

Experts say to dress 15 to 20 degrees warmer but not more than that or you might have a harder time running due to heavy clothes and possible risk of overheating. But dressing 15 to 20 degrees will keep you warm enough to let you finish your running goal for that day.

Another great tip here is to go outside and test the weather. If you feel chilled, then you probably are wearing the right clothes but if you feel warm despite the chilly weather, tone it down by removing a layer.

4.     Get the Right Accessories.
This is equally important as picking the right clothes. They go hand in hand. Remember that you will know you are wearing the proper clothing if you feel kind of chilly once you get out the door? The trick to keep you warmer is through accessorizing. Through this way, you can put it on when you feel it is extremely cold and remove it if it gets warmer.

The appropriate accessories every runner in winter must have are running jacket that totally blocks wind and moisture, hat, headband, gloves, and may be ear muffs depending on the person.

5.     Pick the Right Time of Day to Run.   
Experts say that it is best to run during daylight hours where one can also get his/her much-needed dose of the sunshine vitamin. However, this does not mean that running under a light snow fall and a gazillion stars is not enjoyable. This will actually depend on one’s preference.

What would be a great idea here is when there is sun, run and make the most out of it. For those gloomier days, get the group together and run under a blanket of stars and may be camp out for some snack with bon fire afterwards for a more pleasant experience.

Remember that the only difference in running during winter is the weather, you will likely have to change your running outfit and add on a bunch of other accessories to keep you warm but the rest like food, water, and supplies remain a staple. Experiment on running in the winter and you just might love it. Just watch for those slippery trails though.