
Sunday, January 11, 2015

First Breakfast, Then Go Sporting

It is no myth or wives tale, breakfast is in fact the most important meal of the day and the way you should fuel for all your physical activity. So before you head out the door for your morning run (like I always used to do!) or bike around town, you should start each and every day with a healthy breakfast. Some people are split on when exactly active individuals should eat breakfast, but research shows that eating first and then sporting may be best for your body. If you want to have the fuel required to be an athlete in peak condition, you need to make breakfast a priority every morning before you partake in your sport of choice. It doesn’t matter if you are a pro or simply trying to have fun, a balanced breakfast can give you an edge and help kick your athletic performance up a notch.

Manage Hunger Through the Day
When you are active, you need to consume more calories each day to give your body the energy it needs. This means that you can’t afford to skip out on breakfast. There is even a bit of physiology connected to the importance of this morning meal. Research shows that eating breakfast will keep your body from bottoming out and getting too hungry. If you start the day off on the right foot with a great breakfast, you will likely feel better and be able to work out more effectively. Eating breakfast kind of gives your body a guarantee that it will get the daily nutrients it requires to perform at a high level.

What Should You Eat?
If you want to make the most out of your morning meal before you tackle your sport of choice, you need to watch what you eat. Not every food is ideal to consume right before physical activity. As long as you are eating healthy breakfast food options, you can be guaranteed to feel your best during your exercise. Some of the best breakfast foods for sport enthusiasts include eggs, whole grain toast, milk, nuts and seeds, apples and peanut butter or even a bowl of oatmeal. The amount of calories in your morning meal can range, but it is a good idea to get at least 500 calories in, if possible. Since it is such an important meal you need to make it count and eat the right foods. The right nutrients will give you the fuel your body desires most.

A Matter of Preference
When it comes down to it, eating breakfast before or after you go sporting is all a matter of preference. However, if you want to be your best and perform your sport at the highest level, you really should think about starting your day off right with a wholesome breakfast. A breakfast of champions can be the way to get your body in the best shape and help you fight hunger throughout the day. Breakfast really is the most important meal that you can’t afford to skip out on.