
Friday, October 31, 2014

Weekend Trip With a Motorcycle

Taking a weekend trip on your motorcycle allows you to take in the breathtaking scenes that are all around and check out some really cool sites. Short trips are meant to be a little more carefree and less planned out, but you still have to have some direction before you hit the open road. Even if you are only going to be away from home for just a few days, there are a few things that you need to bring along and plan for. Your weekend motorcycle trip will be so much more memorable and enjoyable if you are prepared for what lies ahead.

Make sure that your motorcycle is serviced regularly so no surprises will come during the trip. I've just been looking into getting a new touring bike (see here). To get some ideas about possible US trips, check this site here. And I've found this site for Ontario routes.

It can always be a good idea to go on a weekend motorcycle trip with some of your closest friends. This will give you company, but also help you stay safer along your journey. 

Think About a Pace Car

If you're traveling with a large group then having a pace car that follows behind with all the things that you will need is also a great idea. This car can hold all the stuff that you will need once you make it to your destination. There is not a lot of room on your motorcycle, so a pace car is the ideal way to take along the things that you will need most. Some items that you can consider packing in the pace car include blankets, sleeping bags, food, tents and all the equipment that you will need once you make it to the camping area. A motorcycle trip is only enjoyable when you truly enjoy nature and spend the night camped out under the stars.

Take Along a Map

It is always a good idea to know where you are going to ensure that you don’t get lost along the way. Even though the journey to your destination is probably the most enjoyable part of the trip, you still need to make sure that you stay on course. This means that you have to carry a map with you that you can use as your guide during your stops. Instead of maps you can consider to buy a GPS device which shows you the route on the little screen. Make sure that you have your trip planned based upon the number of miles that you can cover in a day and the places where you can stop to fill up on gas. Some routes can be pretty desolate for miles, so you need to make sure that you fill up on gas when you can to keep you from becoming stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Emergency Kit

If you want to be prepared for whatever your weekend motorcycle trip throws your way, you should have an emergency safety kit tucked away on your bike. This kit can include tools that will help you fix your motorcycle if any small emergency repairs are needed. You never know what will be thrown your way during your weekend excursion, so it is best to be prepared for everything. It is always better to be safe rather than sorry and this is especially true when you are on the open road. If you do have a pace car driving behind, then this is less of an issue since the pace car can bring you the spare parts and heavy tools.

Anyway, whether it's going to be a weekend trip or a longer trip, enjoy the scenic routes and time with your friends or family. That's part of the good life!